. . . your energies into the direction of your hopes & dreams!

and . . . away from that "bone tired" exhaustion & overwhelm and closer to a reservoir of energy, a calmer state & gain empowering clarity.

Are you ready to shift out of the pondering, "what can I do,"

"stuckness syndrome"?


. . . your energies into the direction of your hopes & dreams!

and . . . away from that "bone tired" exhaustion & overwhelm and closer to a reservoir of energy, a calmer state & gain empowering clarity.

Are you ready to shift out of the pondering, "what can I do,"

"stuckness syndrome"?


“lET'S SHIFT towards your Dreams”

This invitation is complimentary & private. (valued at $497)
LEARN HOW TO BRING YOUR FUTURE CLOSER TO THE PRESENT ~ move forward with hope & energy. Navigate towards aligning with your goals & dreams with a receiving mindset.

Spots Reserved for the "QUEEN MEDIA TV" AUDIENCE

Success Story

" _____ I was really lost _____ "

please watch the video ~ Sol

A program Sol was in was intense and confusing, which made it quite stressful for him. And it was impacting his relationship and his life as well. Not knowing if he was the right place , expending all his time and effort, trying to build a future, but only getting more confused and losing himself in the process does not make a confident outcome. While a part of him was hopeful to build a future, another part of him felt like he was going to be stuck in this “wrong thing”.
After 3 months of working with me, Sol has had a big shift. We were able to identify many aspects of himself that he was unaware of his own identity to start with. There were so many factors that had influenced him through the years that they had become a part of him, none of which supported him or were healthy for him. 

It really wasn't the difficulties of "the “X” program" for him, it was so much deeper, layers of old recordings and patterns that never served him beyond survival. Together, we moved forward towards his better life by peeling back, uncovering, releasing, energies, patterns, words, thoughts and replacing them with healthy, supportive “new pathing” disciplines, aligned to Sol's true person. His life now. . .  he is free to be himself and knows he is of significance, and of purpose!
 Sol found himself! He had such a transformational shift, he is like a new person! No longer bound by false beliefs, he became calm, clear, confident, valued and peaceful. He empowers himself with good choices now, and makes them with confidence. (3rd person, Sol asked to watch the video, doesn't like to write).

Sol Goodman

A Few Inspiring Words

“Start Here ~ to learn how to work with your powerful energies to unblock and manifest your goals and dreams!” ~ Sandy

Since taking Ca’rynaCarjan’s aka Caryna Bowman's “Leaders of Purpose,” program my life has changed immensely. My vibrations and connections with the Divine are more direct and indescribably higher. I am able to meditate on a different plane than before and my writing has significantly changed. Even my worldview has widened. For instance, I found myself volunteering to assist to set up a nonprofit for a worldwide nonprofit something that will help third-world kids. All these changes came about because of the Ca’rynaCarjan program, Leaders of Purpose. ~ Sandy

Sandy Skaar

Thank you for an insightful journey to connect with my CELLS! I 😍 that I have incorporated these GIFTS of Breath101 and Heaven & Earth as a way of life!

You are wonderful, empowering and I am so glad I took the 6-week course! I have embraced my spiritual practices through a different set of lenses. Under your guidance, I am speaking up for myself and there is much more clarity, connections, and synchronizes in my life. I have been able to be more vulnerable with others which has allowed me to receive versus being in the giver mode 24/7. I have been able to do more and stay focused as I move forward to achieve my goals on my life journey! Thank you for this experience and a way to connect to my MYCELLS! You have helped me to listen to my body, release, and fill myself back up again with positivity!!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

MoNique` H

Since taking Ca’rynaCarjan’s aka Caryna Bowman's “Leaders of Purpose,” program my life has changed immensely. My vibrations and connections with the Divine are more direct and indescribably higher. I am able to meditate on a different plane than before and my writing has significantly changed. Even my worldview has widened. For instance, I found myself volunteering to assist to set up a nonprofit for a worldwide nonprofit something that will help third-world kids. All these changes came about because of the Ca’rynaCarjan program, Leaders of Purpose. ~ Sandy

Sandy Skaar

Thank you for an insightful journey to connect with my CELLS! I 😍 that I have incorporated these GIFTS of Breath101 and Heaven & Earth as a way of life!

You are wonderful, empowering and I am so glad I took the 6-week course! I have embraced my spiritual practices through a different set of lenses. Under your guidance, I am speaking up for myself and there is much more clarity, connections, and synchronizes in my life. I have been able to be more vulnerable with others which has allowed me to receive versus being in the giver mode 24/7. I have been able to do more and stay focused as I move forward to achieve my goals on my life journey! Thank you for this experience and a way to connect to my MYCELLS! You have helped me to listen to my body, release, and fill myself back up again with positivity!!!!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

MoNique` H

If we haven't met,

I'm Ca'ryna Bowman, HHP., Author

AS An Alternative Holistic Health Practitioner trained in both Fitness & Ancient Spiritual Energy for over 3 decades and hold an honorary doctorate in Spiritual Science, I work with people to get to the source energy that is the root cause of their immediate overwhelm, shift them, uncover and repattern behaviors so that they can live a dynamic life.

I would be honored to support you!

30+ years student/teacher mentored by Sufi Master Adnan Sarhan, Cert. Energy Codes Coach, Virtual Coaching Coach, Master Reiki Teacher, Wisdom Healing Qigong with Master Mingtong Gu (7yrs) and

Studying & teaching workshops in US & England receiving a Doctorate in Spiritual Science (honorary), while creating my own Fitness & Wellness Studio, with over 50K sessions while still teaching Energy movement.

Author, Int'l "LET'S BE CLEAR!" Ca'rynaCarj'an ~ supports my programs & workshops I've created.


Best Part of Success Story

PG#6 JUST THE OTHER DAY, MY CLIENT Sandy shared how happy that she is that she now has a higher intuitive frequency, that she can see deeper & quicker into her clients need when before even though intuitive, there was a lot of chaos and not being able to activate her 3rd eye. write Jana's ~ (video) write Tara's ~ (video)

Name of Client

If we haven't met,

I'm Ca'ryna Bowman.

4-9-24_ "Imagine cutting through the chaos and confusion rapidly, and with crystal clear vision. As a seasoned practitioner in Spiritual Science and Divine Energy with an honorary doctorate in Spiritual Science, I specialize in providing clarity and guidance to individuals seeking immediate transformation through a deep connection with Divine Energy. My proven system, developed from decades of experience and mentorship, empowers clients to navigate through chaos and confusion to achieve crystal-clear vision. My signature protocols are designed to address the immediacy of your situation while catalyzing profound clarity shifts, enabling you to manifest your desired outcome and live a dynamic, fulfilling life. Just imagine... this is within your reach!" 1-5-23_ Ever been in a place or know another woman that one day wakes up & wants to know how the hell she got there! It's not the life she ever wanted. Women who are ready to shift into a new phase, sick 'n tired of what is, needs & wants a transformation in their life is where I step in. As a Transformational Leader, trained in Fitness, Wellness & Ancient Spiritual Science for over 3+ decades, thru Energy work, I get to the source energy that is the root cause of their immediate overwhelm, that "stuckness syndrome", shift them, uncover and repattern behaviors from unsupportive to empowering patterns so they can live the life they choose! _______ .. Mentored by a Sufi Master for decades, I have been in the world's of Health and Fitness all my life, and gained a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. Yet despite this, the unexpected still happens. Then what? My program helps exhausted, overwhelmed and 'to the bone' individuals, reset their thinking, and move into their deserving future. By getting to the root source of their immediate overwhelm, shift them, they then rediscover their natural energy, gain clarity as we uncover and repattern behaviors, so that they can live a dynamic life. ~~~~~~ *** I’ve been in the worlds of Spiritual Energy, Health & Fitness all my life, mentored by a Sufi Master for decades, have a doctorate in Spiritual Science and more, yet life’s unexpected still happens. I've been here! And then what? So I created a program to help the debilitating emotionally overwhelmed & “to the bone” exhausted individuals whose ability of clear thinking is impaired to take any action to move out of their mindset into their deserving future. Getting to the Source Energy that is the root cause of their immediate overwhelm, shift them, they then rediscover their natural energy, gain clarity as we uncover and repattern behaviors, so that they can live a dynamic life. ~~~~~~~ AS An Alternative Holistic Health Practitioner trained in both Fitness & Ancient Spiritual Energy for over 3 decades and hold an honorary doctorate in Spiritual Science, I work with people to get to the source energy that is the root cause of their immediate overwhelm, shift them, uncover and repattern behaviors so that they can live a dynamic life. PG#4 I’M A FORMER Fitness & Wellness Studio owner who has been trained in Ancient Spiritual Energy Healing Arts for over 3 decades with a bloodline Sufi Master. Experiencing several "stuck" & overwhelming moments in my life, not knowing who I was anymore or how to change my circumstances when devastated by life. NOW I mentor others who want dynamic lives, but do not understand who they really are, and don’t know how to work with the Spiritual Energy that’s been given to empower, us under any duress. PG#5 AS An Alternative Holistic Health Practitioner trained in both Fitness & Ancient Spiritual Energy for over 3 decades and hold an honorary doctorate in Spiritual Science, I work with people to get to the source energy that is the root cause of their immediate overwhelm, shift them, uncover and repattern behaviors so that they can live a dynamic life. PG#6 JUST THE OTHER DAY, MY CLIENT Sandy shared how happy that she is that she now has a higher intuitive frequency, that she can see deeper & quicker into her clients need when before even though intuitive, there was a lot of chaos and not being able to activate her 3rd eye..

I would be honored to support you!

For over 3 decades I was mentored by bloodline Sufi Master Adnan Sarhan, studying & teaching workshops in US & England receiving a Doctorate in Spiritual Science (honorary), while creating my own Fitness & Wellness Studio, with over 50K sessions while still teaching Energy movement. Continuing on I am now enjoying establishing an online Virtual Practice continuing to share my teachings, creating Classes, Workshops, Programs to ensure the amazing successes that clients are experiencing in their lives. I am engaged in active programs with dynamic results for my clients & student's lives. I have just recently authored a book to reach a wider audience show them how to enrich their lives, to support my programs and serve as a life-time library of self-awareness and empowerment. and

This gives them clarity, uncovering unconscious beliefs re-pathing into the conscious for empowering decisions for their dreams, goals, their life. Giving them motion, opening up more perspectives, possibilities and inspiration to take aligning action for their life. This raises their frequency to receive instead of chase..

It IS Possible to Get

Positive Changes in your Life!

The blocks you feel that have been in your way, holding you back, captive, do not have to persist. Feeling stuck & settling in life, exhausted all the time can be a thing of the past if you take action.

It is amazing what can change so quickly when we change your perspectives, simply by getting you reconnected to yourself and gather back your energy. When you learn the simple breathing & focusing tools that are available to you, we take the limitations off of you into the world of possibilities for you! Just image what that can mean in your life! As you start to uncover, discover and identify where you truly are, it becomes easier to steer yourself of where you want to go.

Limited Spots Available!

During this Laser (30)-minute private "Let's Shift" you’ll receive laser-focused solutions to help you
go from stuck & exhausted to moving forward towards your goals & dreams.

  • Discover what’s been holding you back from getting beyond that indecisiveness, your captivity.

  • Get crystal clear about what you want instead.

  • Gain 2-3 powerful strategies to get you closer to those goals & dreams you thought you had to water down and settle for much less.

Apply Below for Your Private Session Below!

Limited Spots Available!

Please complete this required short questionnaire for your customized

"Let's Shift" Laser Session so we can get scheduled.

Your answers will help me deliver more customized support so you’ll

get way more value out of your session.

What are your biggest challenges when it comes to moving forward towards your goals & dreams?

What have you tried previously to resolve these challenges?
What will it cost you (financially, emotionally, mentally, physically) if you don't resolve these challenges?

How much longer are you willing to deal with staying exactly in the same situations?

What do you want instead?

What would your life be like if you were able to get hope, joy & freedom back into your life?

On a scale from 1-10, how committed are you to receiving positive change for your life?

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Questions Or Want To Contact Us?

For any questions or concerns about this free online training or any of our programs, please email caryna.wellness@gmail.com.

Need support? We're here for you @ client-care-support@carjan.com

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